collage by yuno2111
yuno2111 yuno2111

Created in Collager 16 days ago

Image Prompt:

UHD, Masterpiece, 3d Photography, close-up, witch, Beautiful girl, 17 years old, staring a the camera, roses on her hair, light reflections, covered with flowers, blood flying drops, witch, masterpice award, dramatic lighting, refraction, intricate details, insanely detailed, oil painting, surrealism, WLOP, 32k, surrealistic composition, uhd, dynamic composition, by Marco Grassi, Ellen Segner, Tom Bagshaw, Ilya Kuvshinov, guweik, soft, smooth and clean render, realism, cinematic render and lighting, photography, : 1.5 | Ugly, deformed hands, ugly face, boring, uncaptiving, blame, unperfect, unrealistic, uninspiring, merged images, blur, blurry : -2

Base Image:

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