collage by ebecerra
ebecerra ebecerra

Created in Collager 2 years ago

Image Prompt:

Trippy explosion, high detail, Koons aniversary auction at contemporary museum of art abstract balloon set piece latex and fluorescent acrylic sculpture. Hans Bellmer, Tony Cragg, Dan Lam drip sculpture. Highly detailed, uncropped, wide angle view, beautiful lighting and image composition, 8k, mahou shoujo anime style, Solar punk cute girl with goggles waters a rafflesia on summer rainforest, Delphin Enjoras Akihiko Yoshida, Makoto Shinkai, lofi , Haixia Liu impressionist cafe, highly detailed, intricate maximalist, concept art, magical girl, elegant, ornate, beautiful, cute, pastel colors, 4K, Artstation, Pixiv, Naoko Takeuchi, CLAMP femboy god with rad triangular sunglasses, black and white hair, red scarf, mischievous grin, digital airbrush, Yoshitaka Amano maskeded, Ada Lovelace, magion02, hamao, baalbuddy, Tsukasa Jun saito naoki sensei, berserkart art, vagonbond art, wlop art,nixeu art, demon, onlyfans, artbook, beautiful painting by Daniel F Gerhartz, middle shot, embarrassed blush, Shanghai bay

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