collage by ramirez2511
ramirez2511 ramirez2511

Created in Collager 2 years ago

Image Prompt:

Imposing woman with a dress made of midnight and a hat full of stars by tanya shatseva, monet, thomas kindade, and artgerm, beautiful, photorealistic, octane render, volumetric lighting, 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k impressionism paint, elegant men, mythical, ethereal, intricate, elaborate, hyperrealism, hyper detailed, strong expressiveness and emotionality, by ayami kojima, tom bagshaw, yanjun cheng, artgerm, wlop, krenz cushart, gweiz, thomas kinkade, gerald brom, cinematic lighting, visual clarity, 200mm, uhd, 32k

Base Image:

Remix in Collager