collage by shylakola
shylakola shylakola

Created in Collager 28 days ago

Image Prompt:

A detailed realistic image of a cute black and white tuxedo kitten and a fluffy orange tabby kitten on a soft, fuzzy wool blanket. Realistic fur. Very textured and detailed. Magical, detailed. By carne griffiths, guweiz, stanley artgerm, studio ghibli, rossdraws, lisa frank, pino daeni and patrice muricano. Photorealistic, detailed, dreamlike quality, magical, Textured. Sharp, clear, detailed lines. : 2 | Ugly face, deformities, missing limbs, extra limbs, deformed hands, disproportionate features, NSFW, low quality, monochrome, people, blurry : -2

Base Image:

Remix in Collager