collage by mikademus
mikademus mikademus

Created in Collager 11 days ago

Image Prompt:

Portrait of Incredibly handsome manga male mature fantasy noble king with backswept wavy hair and magnificent moustache and beard and almond eyes in a strong but cruel face. Haughty aloofness. Intensity and righteous anger. Judgement. Intense colours. Colorized. Traced outlines. Thin lines. Soft watercolours. art by Egon Schiele and Android Jones and Jean Baptiste Monge and Carne Griffiths and Michael Garmash and Aaron Horkey and krenz Cushart and Ashley Wood and Charlie Bowater and simon goinard and Emile Vernon and Brom and Frank Frazetta and ismail inceoglu and Wes Benscoter and Bruce Pennington and paul pope and Katsuhiro Otomo and Goseki Kojima

Base Image:

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