collage by crystal_tea
crystal_tea crystal_tea

Created in Collager 3 months ago

Image Prompt:

illustration of a teen girl with glowing flowing green hair and orange eyes, wearing a short black suit, pose, curious, working, cool pose, handsome,magical portrait, beautifully lit, , bleak, by guweiz and wlop and ilya kuvshinov and artgerm and makoto shinkai and studio ghibli, Intricate stunning highly detailed illustration portrait of a man magic, beautifully lit, ethereal, bleak, by guweiz and wlop and ilya kuvshinov, flowing wavy blonde hair, pale hazel eyes, high cheekbones, gaunt face, Rossdraws, glowing green hair, orange eyes, flirty smile, goofy, sparkles

Base Image:

Remix in Collager