collage by majikkan.beings.unite
majikkan.beings.unite majikkan.beings.unite

Created in Collager 7 months ago

Image Prompt:

A magical cat with elemental magic powers. a fae cat with powerful magic. the cat has cyan eyes and dark blue fur. a beautiful cat. a wizardly feline. a magical cat. an enchanted kitty. a very cute cat. an adorable kitty. a fluffy cat. a soft cuddly kitty. a friendly feline. cat, kitty, tabby, kitten, calico, colorpoint, colourpoint, meow, purr, floof, smol, neko, mew, . ultra high definition close-up portrait of a magical cat. the cat has beautiful eyes. detailed macro photography of a cats face. a cat. th

Base Image:

Remix in Collager