collage by yuliiaarty
yuliiaarty yuliiaarty

Created in Collager 19 days ago

Image Prompt:

A detailed painting of a young woman. she has long blonde hair full of platinum blonde highlights, pale skin, blue eyes and smudged eyeliner, along with grunge makeup. She is wearing a yellow baggy shirt and has black lipstick. she is wearing a black beanie and has a punk style. intelligent, deja vu, old photograph vibes, realistic details, lots of details, accurate details, cinematic, paint, irealistic, painting, details, octane render, highly detailed, paint, intricate, intricately detailed, detailed background, 8k high resolution, : 1 | ug intelligent, Deja vu, old photograph vibes, realistic details, lots of details, accurate details, cinematic, paint, irealistic, painting, details, octane render, highly detailed, paint, intricate, intricately detailed, detailed background, 8k high resolution, : 1 | ugly face, deformed hands, multiple limbs, unrealistic body proportions, merged images, blur, blurry, warped, flags, black and white, no colour, weird hair, deformed hair, eyes that don't match, open lips, teeth showing : -2

Remix in Collager