collage by druemi
druemi druemi

Created in Collager 2 years ago

Image Prompt:

Beautiful girl with a ball gown standing in a field with mountains in the distant background, volumetric lighting, ray tracing, HD, reflections, shaders, poster art, godlike detail, by ra pixiv, Murata, Akira, Fernada dias artwork, by guweiz artstation, Atey Ghailan, Gigi D.G., Nishiko24, Ngan Pham, Deemo II, Nightmargin, Syd Mead, Greg Rutkowski, Daniel F Gerhartz, Visualdon, Josh Pierce, Serafleur, Dantewontdie, Ilya Kuvshinov, Einlee, Snail's House, Lois van baarle, Ross draws, Christopher Ortiz, Alena Aenami, Gilles Beloeil, Kan Liu

Remix in Collager