collage by koldt
koldt koldt

Created in Collager 3 months ago

Image Prompt:

A beutiful perfect woman looking at the dawn, perfect dramatic lighting, with hair tied in a shine scarf, perfect light in the sea and sky, motif glowing tatoos, and a serene expression looking at the dawn. Motif dramatic lighting, daniel f gerhartz and patrice murican. detailed stylized oil painting a lot of texture and details. sense of depth. Mucha style. realisitic. magnificent image. golden hour reflect in the flame cat. award of best image. award best digital art. epic moment. lifelike. insanely detailed and intricate. hd high resolution. 128k. intricate stunning highly detailed. pretty visuals. very detailed. deep colors. vibrant. epic moment. background burn. art by makoto shinkai and studio ghibli

Base Image:

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