mixer by emochickennugge
emochickennugge emochickennugge

Created in Mixer 8 months ago

Image Prompt:

Fringe and wavy, blonde poofy hair. : 0.7 | Limit facial distortion and lengthen the face and lessen her chin receding : 1.0 | (worst quality:2),(low quality:2),(blurry:2),bad_prompt,text, (bad and mutated hands:1.3),(bad hands),badhandv4,mutated hands, bad anatomy, missing fingers,extra fingers,fused fingers,too many fingers,(interlocked fingers:1.2), extra limbs,malformed limbs,multiple limbs, extra arms, extra legs, long neck, cross-eyed, negative_hand, negative_hand-neg, text, label, caption : 0.0 | Fix the eyes and set the pupils to the same direction, soften the jawline and add a slight double chin. Un-define the collarbones and widen the chest width. : 0.7

Remix in Mixer