mixer by sydalistor
sydalistor sydalistor

Created in Mixer 10 months ago

Image Prompt:

Sturdy English Bulldog with a wrinkled face saying happy birthday : 0.3 | photograph of a gentle manatee peacefully swimming in calm waters : 0.3 | photograph of a dugong peacefully grazing on seagrass in shallow water : 0.3 | photograph of a spider : 0.3 | photograph of a massive whale breaching the surface of the water : 0.3 | powerful creature called Behemoth, depicted as a massive and mighty beast with the body of a hippopotamus, the limbs of an elephant, and the tail of a serpent. : 0.3 | graceful unicorn with a shimmering mane and a single horn on its forehead : 0.3

Remix in Mixer